Diabetes is a disease where your body does not make enough insulin or the body does not use insulin well. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas and it is responsible for converting glucose (sugar) from food to energy. If insulin is not adequately converting sugar to energy for the body then the sugar will stay in the blood causing high blood glucose levels. The long-term effect of this can be damage to the body’s organs and systems, including the circulatory system and the peripheral nerve of the lower limb.
Diabetes is a complex disease and requires careful long-term management. Although diabetes has no cure, steps can be taken to manage it and enable you to stay healthy.
Diabetes can have;
Podiatrists play a very important role in the assessment, management and treatment of Diabetes. It is essential to have regular check ups;
It is important for a diabetic to check or have someone else check their feet daily. Seek advice if you have diabetes and you notice any of the following:
For further information visit Diabetes Australia website.