
Flat Feet

What are Flat Feet?
  • Flat feet or Pronated feet are a common biomechanical occurrence
  • Pes Planus is the medical term for a flat foot and refers to a foot where the arch is completely in contact with the ground
  • Commonly toddlers and young children have a flat foot appearance because the arch has not developed
  • A flat foot or pronated foot in an adult may or may not present problems

What is pronation?
  • “Turning in” or “Rolling in” of the foot or the heel seen from looking behind
  • Normal pronation happens with walking and is necessary to allow the foot to adapt to the ground
  • Excessive pronation is the most common cause of foot and leg discomfort
  • With excessive pronation the arch flattens, joints change angles and soft tissues stretch
  • Joints become loose and flexible and there is increased strain on muscles, tendons and ligaments of the foot and lower leg
  • This can lead to many foot, ankle and lower limb problems including:
    - Bunions
    - Heel pain / Plantar Fasciitis
    - Forefoot pain
    - Sports Injuries such as Achilles tendinopathy
    - Stress Fractures
    - Knee Pain

Treatment for Excessive Pronation:
  • An orthotic device is an insole put into your shoes. It can be used to bring the foot, ankle and lower limb back into a more normal position, increasing stability and reducing stress and irritation. This will generally help resolve pain caused by excessive pronation
  • Footwear advice to ensure the shoe is suitable to help stabilise the foot and possibly accommodate an orthotic insert
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises may help also
  • Proper treatment for excessive pronation is important to help improve the function of your entire musculoskeletal system
  • See a Podiatrist if you are concerned that you have flat or pronated feet. Especially if you have foot, ankle or lower limb discomfort